Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I didn't forget about my blog!

I promise, I'm not ignoring what I set out to do with this blog.  I just have been really negative lately and I've been trying not to spread it.  We're supposed to have orders because we're supposed to leave in 20 days, and we don't.  So I'm worried we're not going to have enough time to get everything we need to do done.  In the military orders are the magic that lets you get things done. 

There are a million little excuses why we don't have orders yet and I'm getting sick of all of them.  I'm angry, I'm frustrated beyond belief and, honestly, I just want to get the fuck out of Korea.  (Yes it's bad enough that I feel the need to swear and use unrefined language to express my feelings.)  So I've been miserable and the lack of orders combined with a couple of things I thought were going to happen that didn't I've just been really negative.  So I've been keeping to myself, trying to read and playing lots of Skyrim to beat up dragons. 

The frustration has blocked my creative juices.  *sigh*  I feel like we're going to be stuck in my own personal hell hole forever.  *le sigh*

1 comment:

  1. I understand how you're feeling but you still have 20 days! Dan and I got most of our stuff done before we left. And we got ours 2 weeks before our DEROS date! Good luck! It will all turn out!!
