Saturday, March 17, 2012

We Have a House!!

Today was an awesome day, we signed for our keys to our apartment!!!  Silly me I forgot to take pictures though...  We had an appointment at 2pm to look at a place on post and decided we liked it and signed for the keys right away.  I had been dreading living in the hotel for a month or more and wondering how we were going to feel after eating out for all the time.  (Since we have Nigel we couldn't get one of the nicer rooms that's bigger and has a kitchenette... Oh well, he's worth it!)

We have the keys, and could *technically* live there, but there's no furniture and since we don't have a car yet, but that'll happen soon as we've already paid some down on the car and have a receipt for that, we don't really have a way to move Nigel over there other than walking and well we REALLY don't want to haul all of our crap on the bus or walk it over there.  Besides Housing's paying for us to stay in the hotel until we have furniture.  Our loaner furniture will be delivered on Monday morning.  So Seth will get to do that while I'm getting my driver's license.

There are a couple of minor things we noticed walking through the house that need to be fixed, a burnt out light bulb and a loose knob to hang towels on, so DPW will come on Tuesday to fix those.  I have no idea when we'll get our internet hooked up, rumor going around is that it takes a month or longer to get it so we may not have internet at home for a while.  I will still have my phone to check email and facebook messages and posts.  (I got an iPhone and I love it!!!  Seriously I've had it less than 2 weeks and it's amazing.  Everyday I learn more and more about it.)

Okay, the basics of the house, it's 2 bedroom which is all we qualify for based on Seth's rank and no kids.  It is on the 3rd floor so Nigel and I will have to walk up and down stairs, which will be good for us.  (If I keep telling myself that it'll be true right?)

The kitchen is brand new, no one else has ever used the kitchen.  The appliances are all brand new; it's an electric stove and has both 110v and 220v outlets.  Of course most of my kitchen stuff is 110v, but we have a couple of things that are 220v left over from Korea.  And there are at least twice as many cupboards as we had in Korea.  It's a tiny kitchen as far as floor space and really 2 people in there will be tight, but when I'm cooking Seth isn't usually in there much anyway.  The problem would be if I try to cook big dinners like Thanksgiving and Christmas and have people over.  I'll make it work when it comes time.  There is a window with a small ledge and I'm already thinking of picking a couple different herbs and trying to grow in there.

There is a small balcony off of the living room, we'll be able to have a couple chairs and maybe a small table out there and if I decide to try container gardening again there will be room for that.  The living room itself is pretty decently sized, we aren't going to be able to have a ton of furniture, but we don't really need lots of furniture either.  And the living room isn't separated from the dining room, but we will need to figure out something for a table because Seth already hit his head on the hanging chandelier that is meant to hang over the table.  There are wood floors in the living room, dining room and bedrooms.

The bathroom is good sized and has a few cupboards for towels, all my hair and makeup crap and maybe linens.  I will miss the cast iron bathtub from Korea, but I'll live.  Our new bathroom has a towel warmer!!  I'm completely shocked and can't wait to see how that works out.  I'd never even thought of such a thing before.  There's one sink, a toilet (one that hopefully doesn't flood every other week) and a medicine cabinet.  I think it's a tile floor if I remember correctly, but I could be wrong.  I believe it's wired 220v and 110v, but I know there's 220v for sure.

The guest bedroom is on the small size, but my plan is to fill it with a futon (and I have plans to make that more comfortable when/if we have guests) and book shelves.  There are a few cupboards in there for a closet, and it's all 220v in there.

Our bedroom is 220v as well.  Which is good to know because I need to get some sort of reading lamp and we need a new alarm clock.  Our bedroom is larger than the guest room, obviously, but on 2 walls it is already lined with cupboards and closet areas.  I am really glad because now we won't have to worry about dressers until we get back Stateside!  We could fit a king sized bed in there, but we've decided to buy a queen and give ourselves a little room.  I'm thinking of building simple bookshelf looking night stands, but we'll see.

I've been planning in my head already how everything is going to be laid out, which might be a little crazy because well really we don't have any furniture.  I think tomorrow we're going to go to the Pxtra and see about ordering a bed, then we won't have to sleep on the loaner bed too long.  The loaner is only a double and if it's anything like it was in Korea it's going to be rock hard.  That I am not looking forward to!  But it'll be our house!

I keep telling Nigel we have a house and we'll be moving.  He just kind of looks at me blankly, like maybe I've lost my mind and then wagging his stub to humor me.  I get the feeling it's very much a "humor the crazy lady" kind of deal.  Oh well, he'll see what I mean soon enough!!  The thing he's going to have to get used to is no yard, okay maybe I will too, but he'll have to be walked to go outside, not just run out the door.

Well that's today's big excitement.  Hopefully we can get our car this weekend.  We bought a 1995 Mercedes C200, it's a manual so we get to go through the wife trying to teach the husband how to drive a manual.  I've already gotten permission from Seth's sponsor to call him in to teach if I get too frustrated.  Seth might want to any way because he has a nice 2009 BMW 123i.  Our car won't be much to look at but we can say we've owned a Mercedes and it runs well.  That's the important thing, it will get us around while we're here.  (We are still talking about purchasing a new BMW sometime down the road before we leave Germany though, so we'll see.  How often are we going to have the chance to buy a brand new BMW for the price we could buy a Chevy or a Ford in the US?  Not often and since it is our dream car, we're still thinking about it.)

Okay so I'm rambling, that means it's time for bed.  When I finally remember to take pictures of the place I'll post them.  Hopefully I can fall asleep!  I'm still pretty excited!!!

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